Nov 15, 2009

Smart Visualisation System (screenshoot) - 2

Road Layer for monitoring traffic condition using SharpMap library

Nov 14, 2009

Smart Visualisation System (screenshoot) - 1

I finished my final project about Smart Visualisation System for monitoring traffic condition. My developing system integrated GIS, graph and video surveillance for monitoring road traffic condition. I used SharpMap as GIS engine, PostgreSQL for DBMS Server and PostGIS for maintaining spatial data. It combined with video surveillance using library from AForge.NET. I developed a software using C# and Visual Studio 2005.

Ok, my SVS is here..

Nov 3, 2009

Welcome to OpenITS

Welcome to OpenITS,

OpenITS is an open source project for developing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). OpenITS is dedicated to ITS research in many developing country. OpenITS is using and combining many open source project for its implementation.

Our mission is developing open source applications for support on ITS.

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